Frames Course


Setting Up Links And Targets

Each of the links need to be targeted to a particular frame. You noticed each frame in the last section was given a NAME.
You can target your links to any frame you wish by directing the TARGET to the NAME of the frame.
In our sample we will direct the targets to the right frame (content frame) from the left frame (navigation frame).
The NAME we gave to the content frame was "content". So we will TARGET the links in our navigation document to that NAME.

<a href="content.html" TARGET="content">
<a href="" TARGET="content">

Once a link is targetedthe web page will show up in that frame when clicked on.

Breaking The Link Out Of The Frame

You can also break a clickable link out of the frames page. This can be accommplished in two ways. One way is TARGET="_top" This will allow the clicked on link to replace your frames page with the web page that was clicked on.

The second way is TARGET="_window" This will open a new browser window to display the clicked on link in that browser window, leaving your frames page still open.

Note to MSNTV Users: Since MSNTV can not open another browser window the TARGET="_window" will work the same as the TARGET="_top".

A Frames Page Using ROWS

As I promised on the first page of this course, I will show you our sample page using ROWS= in place of using COLS=

I had to alter the navigation page slightly to get the clickable links going across the page. I used the same content page as before. But, the sample shown in ROWS is essentially the same page with the navigation frame at the top.

That ends the Frames Course. I hope you found it informative. Frames are pretty easy once you practice a bit with them it also is a nice look to any web page.

Acknowledgment To: HTML For Dummies, Quick Reference