You can alter the number values and colors. The offset values, separate the lines. Also the higher the gain, the more the scope responds to the music.
Changing the gain value to 0 give you a whole new look to the audioscope. The offset values are not needed with a gain of 0.
Copy & Paste The Code:
<audioscope gain="6" rightcolor="red" leftcolor="white" rightoffset="3" leftoffset="-3" bgcolor="black" height="40" width="200">
This scope has a gain of six.
This scope gain of zero.
Adding "maxlevel" will add a line that sits on top of the scope lines to show the level of sound. Maxlevel will not show up with a gain of zero.
Here is a sample code with "maxlevel".
<audioscope gain="2" rightcolor="aqua" leftcolor="white" rightoffset="3" leftoffset="-3" bgcolor="black" height="40" width="200" maxlevel="true">
A sample audioscope with "maxlevel".