Image Map Lesson

We will be making rectangular "hot spots" for our image map. In the sample code below the "rect" refers to "rectangle". Coords (1,2,3,4) are the coordinates or (x,y) positions. The "usemap" and the map "name" must be the same. Note: If there is more than one image map on a web page each image map must have it's own "usemap" & "name". Copy and Paste the code below to your html document. This will be edited later to your image and coordinates.

<img src="your_image_url" border=0 height=? width=? usemap="#mymap1">
<map name="mymap1">
<area shape=rect coords="1,2,3,4" href="http://url of link/">
<area shape=rect coords="1,2,3,4" href="http://url of link/">